Day 14

Sometimes, I have an unhelpful relationship with time.

Lately, I have been really excited about my future. I have all these ideas I want to pursue, and I get impatient with myself (and time) because I’m not further down the path.

I even mistake the feeling of succeeding at all my ideas for reality, having to consciously remind myself that I’m not there yet.

The thing is, I like where I am. It’s enthralling, so it’s not about wishing I was somewhere elseā€¦it’s more about not being able to contain my excitement for the rest of my journey.

I guess we all experience moments of wanting to be at the finish line before we’ve started the race. That can cause anxiety, which often leads to inaction.

But for some reason, I don’t feel anxious or overwhelmed; I feel hopeful, optimistic and comfortable facing the discomfort of the big race ahead of me.