Day 27

Not knowing what comes next is part of the journey toward clarity.

It’s inherently part of the process of moving towards what you truly desire.

Often, we get overwhelmed by not knowing what comes next, and we tend to skip over this uncomfortable feeling because, well, it’s uncomfortable and awkward…

But what if we intentionally chose to slow the pace down and exist in these moments of insecurity? To sit with the uncertainty like an unexpected guest who might have something to teach us.

What if we trade fear and frustration for curiosity?

We begin to ask different questions if we approach the unknown with intrigue.

What don’t I want? What sits well with me? What eases the unease?

The process shifts to being reflective rather than a marathon of invasive questions to which we don’t know the answers.

In this space of not knowing, we might find that clarity arrives not from forcing answers but from letting questions breathe.

How can you foster curiosity instead of anguish today?