Day 31

Life isn’t a race. They got it wrong…

Slow down. Be patient.

We’ve all heard those clichéd sayings – that life is a race, that life is too short. I understand their intention, but these metaphors have never truly resonated with me.

The passing of time and the allusion of time to come is something we all experience anew with each rising sun.

You’re not running out of time.

That’s a story the world wants us to believe, pushing us to sprint toward some imagined finish line or to frantically seize every moment as if it’s our last.

What if we started looking at life without a designated timeline? What dynamic would we exist in then? Would we be more patient, kind, slow, intentional?

Would we finally stop measuring our progress against others?

I want to slow down and be more present. I want to love and give more of my time and effort to others. So, no, I am not in a race, and I don’t think life is too short. It’s what we give ourselves to that matters.